Medsolver is a psychological and psychiatric clinic based in Łódź/Poland. Logotype is a part of ID which we have done. - - - Made for Motyf Studio. - - Live on - Follow us on
The main iconic feature of the logo mark is the abstracted version of the historic Labyrinth which is a structure deriving from Greek Mythology. It is said that the Labyrinth was originally built by Artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete and It’s sole purpose was to hold the mythical creature that was half man and half bull (a minotaur). The Labyrinth was built so that the minotaur was held right in the centre of the labyrinth and was designed so that it was near impossible for the minotaur to escape the labyrinth. Ariadne who was the daughter of King Minos was put in charge of the Labyrinth which held the minotaur and she later helped Theasus (mythical founder of Athens, Greece) in killing the minotaur by providing him with a sword and a ball of thread so he could find his way back out of the Labyrinth. Traditionally a labyrinth has only 1 entrance and exit - however this abstracted version of the labyrinth has two - this is because in both life and business there is always more than one way to succeed and move forward and the limits are endless. ----- Metaphorically speaking in regards to Psychology. The centre of the labyrinth is where someone in need of therapy may feel they are at, unable to find their way out of the dark hole in their mind, stuck in a maze. The minator is the psychological block that is holding them down. The idea is that Mindset will go into the subjects mind (theoretically of course), into the maze and remove the minator (the block) on their mind and help the subject find their way out of the maze with the help of therapy. --- Metaphorically speaking in regards to Business Coaching. It’s very easy for a business owner to feel as though they are not in control of the direction of their business. It’s also very easy for them to get lost on the wrong path making it sometimes very hard to get back onto the right path for them. Causing the same mental affects as getting lost in a maze (or labyrinth). ---- The overall concept of this mark is to portray mindset synergy as a company who can and will strive to find the best path to the same goal - success and/or the ability to cope.
"This project is about a brand of a psychologist that works with business education. For the idea of this brand, we studied psychology, the human behavior and the cyclic idea of improvement. During our study about the client’s work, we understood that psychology is the science that studies the mental processes and behaviors. With this in mind, we developed an idea that would show the change and difference of the human being after going through this process. The colors used by the brand are clear about the improvement and humanization of the person, because we used a simple and objective melody with a salmon color and navy blue. ”
Stylized letters (curly ribbon) – M (mind), U (union) and two i (two persons), e.g. communication, psychology, transcendental areas, etc.
"Abordo Psicologia" (Aboard Psuchology) is a group of debates about psychology conducted periodically in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. The logo was developed almost from the Greek letter "psi" (Ψ), universal symbol of psychology. The term "Abordo" in Brazilian Portuguese sounds also like to approach (talk about a topic). In short, it is as if the participants of the group discussions were aboard the boat of psychology to navigate through their areas of expertise - this is the purpose of this logo.
"Synthesis Centre" is a centre of physical and spritual health, in Athens. The services provided are consulting, psychotherapy, stress management, astanga yoga and more..
The concept of this corporate identity in general, is a "ball" that represents one’s soul and/or body that "unrolls" after being taken care through therapy and yoga. As a result, the symbol of this logo represents the physical & spiritual "lift-up" of a human figure, "the ending point" and the "result" of this whole experience.
In order to express its unique character, The logo was created from one single, black-inked line to show a handwritten style.