Logo designed for Muslim Writers Guild of America. Its declared mission statement is to "respond rapidly to media coverage of Islam through letters and editorials", and also to "respond systematically to critics of Islam through scholarly rejoinders", defending "the honor and sanctity of Islam by waging a 'jihad of the pen'".
For an online resource through which visitors can donate money to one or more writers (bloggers, journalists, fiction writers, poets, etc.) The mark has a pen shaped in the form of a tree. The water drop along with the gradual change of colors symbolizes the process of “feeding”/ or contributing
About the logo Status: Logo: DETSKE WORKSHOPY Brand/Logo Name: Detske Workshopy Logo Designer: Tomas Novotny Tools: Adobe Illustrator CC Year: 2014 __ © Raven Studio // ravenstudio.cz
Unused proposal for a little publishing house from Cracow in Poland - - - Made for Motyf.pl
The name is formed by merging two words "scrib" (root word which comes from the Latin "scribere" and means "to write") and "bird". The image (subtle S-shaped) also consists of two parts, a nib and a feather (a feather pen), it can also be seen as a head and a wing of the diving bird (e.g. blue-footed booby). Dive into writings.
This is my personal logo as a freelance designer. It's simple, my name and surname connected and creating a pencil.
For typography & graphics academic circle in Wyższa Szkoła Technologii Informatycznych w Katowicach.
Logo proposal for a webdesign agency. Inspiration: a castle which instead of a middle tower has a pen pointing up.