Logo-mark for a French film production company. Logo mark is based on the cloud buster. A machine created by the scientist Wilhelm Reich. It produces rain using orgone energy. Orgone energy is a pseudoscientific concept described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force, originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich. Idea: Creation
Logo design for on-demand fuel delivery company, a new service where consumers and businesses order fuel through a mobile app. Eliminating the need to go to a gas station or maintain on site fuel storage.
Just playing around the naming and custom letters. Follow us on www.instagram.com/triptic.pl
An eco-friendly logo design for eco-friendly company. The design is made especially for companies that related to green energy. The logo creates a subtle light rays effect that helps capture attention.
Custom letters made for australian company specializing in UPS systems. - - - follow us on www.instagram.com/triptic.pl
Logo for www.bertvandijkconsulting.com Bert van Dijk Consulting advises and supports projects in the energy sector, such as wind farms. The key concept here is "Powered by renewable energy from sea".
Mingachevir (Azerbaijani: Mingəçevir), is the fourth-largest city in Azerbaijan with a population of about 150,000. It is known as city of lights because of its hydroelectric power station on the Kura River, which splits the city in half. The city is famous with its fish, sandy beaches, clear water, green landscapes.
Brand development services for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Client request for the symbol was "Sun breaking out from the center of the earth".