Fictional logo for an Adidas-themed résumé. This is in no way affiliated with Adidas.
Earlier this year, Adidas Originals had an open Design Director position in their Portland HQ, and, being a lover of the brand, I decided to apply. To demonstrate not only my skills as a graphic designer, but also my knowledge and respect for the adidas brand and its legacy, I designed a self-promo booklet (a highly-conceptual adaptation of my current résumé) that is aesthetically inspired by adidas Originals marketing brochures. The booklet chronicles the accomplishments of a fictional alter-ego, Coach Ramirez — an adidas track suit wearing, afro'd, mustachioed designer — and is written as if he's actually the Design Director at adidas Originals. Sadly, I didn't get the job.
Click here to view my Flickr stream for full design rationale and additional images.
A sleeping cat that has made a nest with his tail portraying care, safeness and help. Just for fun.
This fictitious company logo is the result of happenstance typographic exploration. I was playing around with H and I letterforms set in Platelet, and, after placing the I within the H, I noticed that it started to look like a dog face. After some modification, and with the addition of a curved P for an extended dog tongue, the resulting typographic illustration spelled "HIP." I thought it would be fun to name this fictitious company Hip Pups, which could be a shop that sells high-end dog accessories. The Registered symbol is integrated creatively into the mark by spelling "RUFF!"
great logo for the children and clean energy! SUNLAB can be understood as the laboratory of the sun, which symbolizes light and hope in life and can also be used for charitable purposes and business non-profit organization that helps children in need of care
Logo design for a local baby shop. In Mandarin, "Hai" means "ocean" or "sea". The shop owner specifically requested a sea creature to be applied on the logo.
Another version of Hai Baby Shop logo ("Hai" = "ocean" in Mandarin), but the client was already too happy with the original one and closed the deal so I decided to keep this as our own experimental project. :)