www.rearfront.com '' Rear Front is a fast growing company specialized in creating and spreading viral content on the internet. We are a power house of generating awesomeness through our incredible content which inspires over 600 million souls every single day. Our objective is to create artistic impressions about love, life and unique personalities. We are taking the world by awe and delight everyday with the unique content created by our signature contributors. Together we bring about the incredible stories which inspire you to think, smile and feel with all your heart.''
The lettering constructed irregularly, as if it had been drawn by hand, expresses the organic aesthetics of Cultivah. The branch, which extends throughout the lettering, as if it had germinated, contemplates the main product of the company, the one of vegetal origin. Finally, the noises present throughout the brand, its imperfections, illustrate the in natura language of business, free from external agents and conceived in its purest form.