This symbol is presented like a metaphor of us and our earth. It is a big organism and we, people, are parts of this organism, we are not separate. And the earth is also just a part of even bigger organism. Our earth is like a tree with the roots which extend to the vast cosmos. Everything is interconnected. We believe that this understanding of being one with the universe can raise people’s awareness about our environment, us and our function. This can lead to some positive changes that our planet desperately needs. More info here:
When you see, you act, so seeing is acting - a path to radical transformation. The Eye in Hand symbol is a multi-cultural expression of the interactive bond between two essential human functions: 1) Eye: sensing, knowledge, observation, omniscience (all-knowing), and 2) Hand: doing, power, acting, omnipotence (all-powerful). "It is only when you see the conditioning and the danger of it immediately, and as you see a precipice, that you act. So seeing is acting."
A symbol for an idea of mindfulness (being here and now/present moment awareness). So firstly, this symbol is presented like a physical representation of present moment - Vertical forms represent time - past and future. Horizontal forms represent space - 360 degrees. And the one is always in the center - being here and now. Secondly, you can see a symbol of a water drop. This is the most often used metaphor to represent the idea of mindfulness - search for "mindfulness". Only this water drop symbol is presented in a kind of mirrored way. But don’t think about it, because as mentioned above, this is time - past and future, both are illusions, stay centered in the present. “Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” --Bruce Lee More info here -