The Institute of Professional Innovators logo features a light bulb emerging from the pages of an open book to convey the concepts of bright ideas and constant study.
Lighting manufacturer. The idea of the logo is filament shaped into a crown which shows in modern way royalty and lighting.
This is a logo I created for a start up company. Medulum refers to the brain's involuntary functions. Innovation as second nature was the theme behind the name, and the light bulb suggest thoughts, ideas and a spark.
Logotipo de mi próxima agencia de diseño. Como el nombre lo dice representa una constante producción de ideas originales. Los dos bulbos aluden a las IDEAS, que al unirse (los bulbos) forman el símbolo de INFINITO.
[My next logo design agency. As the name implies is a constant production of original ideas. The two bulbs refer to the IDEAS, which to join (the bulbs) are the symbol of infinity.]
Smart Repair is a directory for nearly all companies serving the german smart repairs market. Within the enduser can find the most nearby specialist for his problem and also lots of informative tips and tricks, articles, glossary etc. about smart repair.