«This project was carried out for Dr. Natalia Scuracchio, a young professional specialized in dentistry. «It was the realization of corporate image accompanied by commercial stationery» Equipamos camionetas para usos diversos. Equipamientos para ambulancias, transporte de pasajeros, cargas especiales, familiares, móviles de trabajo, cargas de baja temperatura, Motor Home y transporte escolar. También cubrimos el segmento de 4X4, donde ofrecemos barras antivuelco, estribos, cobertores plásticos, lonas cubre cajas, defensas, ganchos para traylers y ambulancias. Estrategia creativa Creative strategy This brand has a strategic objective to represent and communicate through a set of visual signs or identifiers passion for video games. The brand aims to achieve steady growth and be connected to the gamer users. Expresses safety , tradition and fun, sure of herself . thus transmitting responsibility and respect. La presente marca tiene como objetivo estratégico representar y comunicar mediante un conjunto de signos visuales, un grupo de ingenieros dedicados al desarrollo de productos y servicios electrónicos. Transmitiendo formalidad, responsabilidad, calidad y continuidad Proyecto comercial - Flappers ▲ Learn to Fly “Las FLAPPERS fueron aquellas mujeres pioneras en el siglo XX. El término quería decir algo así como “aladas”, traducido podía entenderse como alegría, vivacidad, persona inconstante, que va de flor en flor” Vendima es una festividad tradicional, refleja la celebración de la uva transformada en vino, tanto que los viñateros y las personas encargadas de las bodegas o los trabajadores pasan por diferentes factores de economía, políticos, socio-económicos. Ellos contribuyen al proceso de fabricación del mismo. «Nació por la necesidad y el deseo de sumergirme en el mundo del derecho laboral. Si bien se puede brindar otros servicios que tiene que ver con el derecho civil (desalojo, contratos, cobro de deudas, etc.), el mundo laboral es lo que apasiona del ejercicio de la profesión. Defender y/o luchar por los derechos del trabajador es un honor que se puede realizar día a día para mejor las condiciones humanas y/o económicas de ellos». Creación de identidad corporativa, branding y papelería comercial 22 de Agosto del 2005 queda constituida como” Asociación de Artesanos Microemprendedores de Mendoza”, como Asociación sin fines de lucro. Para nuclear y fortalecer la actividad de artesanos y microemprendedores, mejorando su calidad de vida. This brand has as strategic goal, to represent and communicate through a set of visual signs or identifiers the prestigious shop Adrift. It intends to position itself among the top 5 five best brands in the world, represented by the quality of its products and the personalized attention. Transmitting a concept of constant growth and innovation to thus become unique. «Spiritual Wisdom Americas nace en la Montaña Sagrada del Ausangate, Perú, en Julio 2011, en un viaje de búsqueda de visión, donde en cada paso hay un diálogo directo con la Sabiduría de la montaña y sus Guardianes» - Empresa de servicios y obras apuntando a la industria mediana, en donde la competencia son pequeñas empresas familiares o trabajadores unipersonales (soldador, electricista etc). Los cuales si bien conocen muy bien el trabajo a realizar, no se adecuan a las necesidades actuales de los clientes, en cuanto a documentación, manejo de planos de ingeniería, informes, presupuestos y certificaciones. This brand has a strategic objective to communicate through a set of visual signs a Co-creation business related to womenswear. Generating products for a style of fun, dynamic and haunting woman expressing sensuality and want to look different market trends daily. Thus transmitting mystical light, magic and freshness. "For all women looking surprised and feel unique." This brand has a strategic objective to represent and communicate through a set of visual signs, quality, simplicity and modernity; predominant modulation of their strokes and endings. Tea Leaf: The leaf or bud tea plant is essential to our identity, which is a more representative and traditional element. Source: strokes and terminations Chinese signs were taken into account to make the brand Tèaura as the Tea originally comes from China. INTERESPACIO: based on the characters of (I)nterior and (E)spacio + celosia. The study came from Mexico. Three years ago, as first instance began with interior design and architecture, then we got and started working professionally. Throughout the time we moved to Argentina and the idea of opening our own trade and professional studio. We needed a nice, comfortable place for people to know us a little more and we could show our knowledge in: products and services (Supreme, an essential part of the chicken that manages to draw the two sides on the side of the chicken breast skeleton. The brisket. Each of them open with a knife carefully, since the meat is very delicate, it flattens. They are ideal for them with a variety of fillings, rolled and cooked as a stiff, or make patties and other foods.) The Present brand 's strategic objective is to represent and communicate VIA visual signs UN Joint UN microemprendimiento Linked With The Environment and Health of the skin, Made with offering flowers , herbs , spices , rare oils , and Completely hand , sin Chemical preservatives . Broadcasting ASI art and Soul In Health Of Team . The beauty of women and men , constructed from elements of nature and spirit Mendoza . Thus was born The New Image Art and Soul " The Pleasure of the skin."
The logo design for the ceramics atelier had to be a simple and one-color symbol, allowing it to be embossed in clay. The owner wished also for it to have a friendly and carefree spirit. Her answer to a aptly posed question lead us to the motif of a smiling sheep, characteristic of her work. I showed the sheep en face, instead of a profile, like she appears usually, and I gave her hooves gestures of creative activity. It accounted for a highly inviting, distinctive and memorable mascot logo in a form of a seal.