avenue is company which is advertising various products.
My logo shows reaching one target (better sell of given product) in few kind of way (few kind of advertising. All in 'A' letter.
Ready to work - pkowal98@gmail.com
Marketing agency. One of initial proposals presented to the client. Marketing - barcode. Would be very interesting to develop into a full-blown identity - this barcode idea seems to possess quite a potential for various applications...
Marketing agency. One of initial proposals presented to the client. Spot-on solutions. Arrow hitting bull`s-eye. Rotated 90 degrees clockwise could also work as an exclamation mark.
Marketing agency. One of initial proposals presented to the client. Face hidden in lettering and underscored with a smile may not be a revelation, but it still works pretty well. Gradual increasing of letter`s weight directs viewer to the face and in a way symbolizes company`s job - magnifying marketing message of their clients.