A logo created for a company called 'Think' they are experts in communications for PR, corporate communication and content creation
Resaltamos el propio nombre de la marca mediante un concepto que parte de la orquídea, la cual representa la sexualidad y virilidad, fusionado con el órgano reproductor femenino, con la finalidad de enfocar a la marca como una alternativa hacia las parejas para llegar al acto sexual. La sutileza de las curvas en la orquídea con la abertura en la parte central evidencia el deseo carnal.
Planteamos un concepto en base al conjunto de servicios que brinda “JOLUSAGUI Home Decor” en el interior de una vivienda. Las líneas abstractas, curvas y rectas que representan la calidez y la armonía de un hogar, modificamos las líneas para generar un estilo minimalista y a la vez funcional.
El concepto sobre la base del símbolo “infinito”, genera la idea que no habrá más límites para viajar en bicicleta. Este símbolo se fusionó con la silueta de una bicicleta, creando un logo que se asocia fácilmente con su funcionalidad.
Logo for www.bertvandijkconsulting.com Bert van Dijk Consulting advises and supports projects in the energy sector, such as wind farms. The key concept here is "Powered by renewable energy from sea".
Logo for TOXPRO - production company. Logo idea: monogram letter T+P (Negative space) + camera symbol. Custom typography inspired Azbuka Alphabet. Founders come from Russia, would like to have in the logo russian element.
This logo is for a branding and web design company. Pixels and code are the building blocks of digital designs. There are four main elements within the logo: a wireframe of building blocks, the angled brackets > and < used in HTML code, as well as the letters “C” and “P” as represented by “>” and “<” respectively. The logo is versatile and can be applied in a number of ways: reversed out on solid backgrounds or on gradients, with a solid fill or gradient fill on white backgrounds.
ADMIRON is fresh modern dynamic logo with short easy memorable name. It will suite well to any business or industry.
MONIUM is fresh modern dynamic logo with short easy memorable name. It will suite well to any business or industry.
Shark Shipping services provides all kind of recognized products and services to the maritime industry. This includes safety products and services, chemicals, maritime logistics and ships agency. I've came up with idea of incorporating the two shark tail as shape of ship. If you rotate the left half of logo to -90 degree and other half to 90 degree audience will discover the hidden message of the logo.