Logo design for cocktail bar based in Jewish quarter, the lines suggest the Jewish calligraphy, lion - symbol of Israel and strong symbol of power in jewish culture. Nose of lion is also cocktail glass. Lines on the sides = lions mane / water > purity symbol.
In addition to my day job as a graphic designer, I am a choral composer. This logo was designed to represent those interests.
Raleigh is known as the City of Oaks The owner wanted to encorporate his initials in the butterfly which are JMB He didnt want it to specific to only Raleigh business so adding a skyline with a vintage touch
messages filled with love is a group of young people trying to help others in different ways
VacciTech - company developing vaccines against the cancer. VT initials in pentagon shape which represent the viral vectors molecular shape.
Sinverb - creative thinking (blue icon and blue dot) and sharing (icon = arrows and negative space where inside is letter S for sinverb/sharing)