A logo prepared for the professional basketball player. Marcus Ginyard is an American professional basketball player from the University of North Carolina.
Full presentation on Behance
The logo consists of three elements:
The old well (Chapel Hill, UNC)
Dog tags - MG Tattoo
MG initials
SimPlus, a groupware messaging system, a platform for collaboration & businesses. Virtually infinite number of users & possible applications.
Museum will be located in Białystok (Poland) - city, whence in 1940-1941 more than 20 thousand citizens were taken. Basing on example of the fate of the residents of the city and the region will show the drama of deportations, which experienced the Poles and the other peoples of this part of Europe between the seventeenth century and the the fifties of the twentieth century. - See more at: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/191635#sthash.BJV2UpsA.dpuf