Dr. Erika Marins is a speech specialist, active in the city of Campos dos Goytazes - RJ,Brazil. From university professors, speakers, singers, prof. liberals, young and old.She offers her experience, security and credibility, acquired during more than 15 years of professional experience as a differential.
Designer: nikolasespindola
Submitted: 01/19/2013 • Featured: 02/25/2013
Stats: This logo design has 6735 views and is 0 times added to someone's favorites. It has 4 votes with an average of 3.50 out of 5.
Branding for online sneakers store.
Greetings from Siberia.
unused proposal for finance company.name of company was taken from old popular lithuanian song. kite and letter J together. In lithuanian mythology kite brings money.