Alternative logo design for one of my branding projects. Final case study you can check on
London based menswear clothing brand. Client wanted Winston Churchill depicted like Mary Poppins (flying off with an umbrella) with a bottle of gin in reference to various icons of popular British culture.
Approved and in-use logo design for a newly formed clothing brand in the UK. Company Brief: We’re a newly formed apparel company, producing items such as: Caps, T-shirts, Jeans and Footwear. The Jamaican Doctor-Bird is our choice of logo image. Egyptian art appeals to me as a very unique visual art form. Doctor Bird: The Doctor Bird (Trochilus polytmus) is the common name for the Swallow-Tail Hummingbird, the national bird of Jamaica. Also called “God Bird” by the early settlers. Note: The logo-mark is finalized and trademarked. More on Behance:
Approved logo design for Antonio Gouveia a fine art photographer based in the UK who is also a fellow deviant AntonioGouveia you can view his work here, His work is clean and professional while mostly done in Black and White. He wanted a minimal professional logo to be used on black or white background with his initials "A" and"G" with photography theme. Design is in use by the client.
Logo design for a UK based electronic music producer. View the complete project on Behance: