“Badricco” (transport & logistics company)- negative space logo. The idea: the head of the eagle is located between the letters “B” and “a”... B = eagle wing.
Transport logo design by Art Fox Studio
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Logo for an online freight marketplace. Letter "F" formed by the juxtaposition of two arrows.
Pacific TG is a group of two company, General Shipping Ltd is part of Trading Group, and other part is ATF LLC is Transportation Group in Russia. For a number of years they has been delivering different types of goods from Asian countries (like VietNam, Japan, etc) to the Russian market. The short name is: PTG. It is deciphered as Pacific TG - last later deciphered: Trading Group and Transport Group. The container is the main key and main inspiration for the whole brand.
the new project for Ministry of Health in saudi arabia for the Ambulance transport between hospitals