Logo for brand "2meters" (Rus: "2МЕТРА") of Russian building company "Building technology and complectation".
concept: NUMBER PI + PIANO = PIANOSS Number PI reads as PIE, so it is perfect for bistro or restaurant. This one is for sale.
Logo design for a student card for university students to receive discounts at food and drink venues. First concept I came up with. They wanted the 19 in the logo but changed their brief at the end. So this is an unused proposal.
Be sure to check out my other design for 020 Bijles. 020 Bijles is a tutoring service in amsterdam (city code 020 and city colours red and black). Bijles is the dutch word for tutoring.
020 is the city number for Amsterdam. Black and red are the city colours of Amsterdam. This logo was a proposal I did for a tutoring service that's located there. They specialised in the beta subjects (maths, physics etc). Be sure to check out my other logo's too!:)
An additional concept for the same project here, http://samadarag.deviantart.com/art/Nineteen-455034919 More on Behance, https://www.behance.net/gallery/17196859/Nineteen-Monogram