Minimalistic, contemporary logo concept for outdoor equipment company. Negative space forming mountains on clear night sky.
Minimalistic but sophisticated logo for swiss insurance company. I have chosen lion as the main element since it symbolicaly represent stability, trust and power. Line-art style seemed perfect since it is modern but elegant in the same time.
Bold, prominent and clever logo concept based on bison as main element and mountains on his back. Symbolizing preservation of the nature, environment and animal species.
Logo for architectural/construction company. Strong, bold and custom-made wordmark. Minimalistic but elegant and unique. Symbolize construction and half circles resembles moon.
Minimalistic, simple and modern shape makes this logo easy recognizable and memorable. It's clean and clever, resembling lifting upward, to the skies - which resembles growth and success. Subtle gold/navy color scheme symbolize elegance and luxury and bold, prominent icon symbolize stability and trust in brand.
Contemporary design for online publication. With custom-made wordmark and clever use of negative space, this logo is unique and modern with touch of vintage art deco/art noveau look.
Clever, minimalistic concept for accounting company. I have combined hand windshield wiper (refering to company name: tidy, clean) and the tie symbolize business). It is also in the shape of company initial (T).
Clean, clever, negative space logo. I have combined these simple shapes - deer silhouette and full moon.
Logo proposal for Nest Homes real-estate company. Minimalistic, modern and clever concept.
Logo for app development company. Naia means dolphin in hawaiian, but client wanted ocean symbolism (wave) in simple and modern way. Abstract, geometric wave shape. Overall look is minimalistic, modern and distinctive.
Simple, minimalistic and modern logo concept. Lettermark A and fish tail incorporated in subtle way make this concept - memorable, unique and clever.