Brand development services for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Client request for the symbol was "Sun breaking out from the center of the earth".
Luxurious leather accessories for women. Products are self-designed by client and handmade by a team of experienced craftsmen.
Logo redesign. is a definitive source for tools and information relating to the financial markets. With a growing readership worldwide it is a leading global financial portal that is constantly committed to launching innovative features and sections to ensure an optimal one-stop source for its readers.
Web application that helps to effectively manage time, employees/co-workers, customers, and sales. DayTab supports the process of customer communication, collaboration and information sharing within the company. Its functionality centers around the concept of structure, hence the simple "tree" metaphor in the logo. The symbol is built only with circle segments and - with a bit of imagination - you could even see human silhouettes there. It shouldn`t require much effort to notice the "D" initial.
Online shop selling personalized, high-quality cashmere products. Client`s initial wish was to base the design on a front-facing goat`s head. It had to be sophisticated, structured, strong and suggesting luxurious products. Later on we have decided to go in a different direction.
FINAL DESIGN. It is based on the company name, which in turn comes from an abbreviation of "AS UNique AS You ARe". Offering unique, self-customized cashmere products is one of the central concepts for this brand, hence the fingerprint-goat.
Regional social network. The most important part of this undertaking is encouraging citizen journalism, hence quotation marks (and tagline "let`s create opinions together").