Emblem for Grisalon Agroindustria (Sugar cane co.) and their Sub-brand called Mesa Baja:
Development of agro-industrial and marketing agro-organic products. GA is leading agribusiness company in the department of Quindio (Colombia).
The main goal was to create a emblem that reflects the richness of the land of their region and to reflect the importance of the farmer as well. Their hard work is the platform to renew forces, create convictions and grow the passion and commitment to their identity and tradition.
Symbol for Cafe Fika company in negative. FIKA is a Swedish concept of gathering together on the evenings with friends, family, colleagues, having a pleasant and cozy time around coffee. Symbol is inspired with an Swedish story, with boy and bear, who gives a coffee beans to bear and makes friendship.
Logo developed for program financial incentive for the farmer.