Brand development services for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Client request for the symbol was "Sun breaking out from the center of the earth".
Logo for my art & design studio.
I define ATOMICvibe as the "a-HA!" moment of clarity in the creative process. Like nuclear fusion, it's when tiny ideas coalesce, and then explode into beautiful design.
The logo visually depicts this creative reaction. Forming abstract A & V shapes, the converging hands cradle the tiny beginnings of a big idea, fusing them until they discharge a shockwave of creativity. The custom type, designed to perfectly integrate with the mark, is meant to symbolize electron paths. Heavily inspired by retro imagery from the Atomic Age: science, the Space Race, Sputnik, the iconic George Nelson Ball Clock.
Click here to see the case study for this logo, which chronicles its development, and includes full design rationale, sketches, electronic roughs, and alternate designs.