Zena Aesthetics is a skincare brand providing relaxation products, inspired by the beauty of Mandala.
One of the brand marks I’ve done at the end 2015. „N” for clothing company from Chile. // www.dominikpacholczyk.com
Cura Naturale is a handmade cosmetic range made from natural ingredients. Cura Naturale is specialized in custom made cosmetics tailored to the needs of each customer. Logotype Handcrafted lettering to create a unique and creative look. In animal symbolism squirrels deal with practicality, playfulness and preparation. They store nuts, seeds, food supplies away for later use, but only the best ingredients that nature can give.
A nice logo suitable for spa saloon, dating sites, dental, cosmetics. Could easily be adapted for singing events, evening events with singers and actors newcomers. Simple and easily reproducible.
Logo for company that makes bespoke herbal remedies for a range of ailments, skin complaints and general well-being.