BuzzData is a social platform/network where you can publish and discuss data. BuzzData lets you publish your data in a smarter, easier way. It's about data and a part of it to visualize the information. You can attach articles, visualizations, apps and even source code... etc.
Identity solution: A custom made uniqe Typography with a varying thickness shows buzz and motion. The front letter "B"ee can also be used as a standalone favicon which is very important for a social network company since it is easier to incorporate it in very small sizes around the web for buttons and links. The Bee has a uniqe shape, is very memorable and iconic. The colors which are used into the negative space of the bee are resembling the companies
main product >data< which comes from the social network users in unlimited variations... everyone can publish and discuss data. The color forms are reminiscent of chart bars, pies (statistics).