I was challenging my self on how to illustrate 3 gears intersecting each other...this took me a lot of time to complete. I am happy with the output (humbly) This is now for sale on BrandStack
The School of Thought is a free online education platform that provides courses, apps, games and content to teach creative and critical thinking skills. The purpose of The School of Thought is to help us question all schools of thought; and to teach the next generation how to think, rather than what to think. It aims to do this by plugging academia directly into the best of the creative industries, bypassing the bureaucracy of the education system to create genuinely engaging and effective learning resources that any student or teacher can access for free. The structure of the platform will be modular, contextual, and multi-faceted, and so the brand identity needed to act as more than just a logo - it needed to act as integrated part of the functionality of the platform and how it is used.