Work project - 2011
This I did for my current job, an internal-circulation digital magazine to help promote inter-disciplinary camaraderie, conscientious appreciation of all currentblah blah corporate pep-talk blah.
Yeah... the name (which means Behind the Books in English) comes from the idea of trying to get workers to appreciate all the work that goes into the making of the elementary and junior high grade level books we make; which actually IS a pretty good idea :P
Corporate Image Project - 2005
This is a bitter-sweet logo for me, but I liked how it turned out so I went ahead and posted it here anyways =) So, this guy from France showed up where I worked at the time, and made a deal with the owners to buy the place; it was a small coffee shop kinda thing, and I was running all the design-marketing aspects of the place. He asks if I would like to create the corporate image for a business he has and I say sure; but when the time to pay comes up, *poof* the guy is nowhere to be found. Not only did he take all my work with him (estimated at 1,500 usd!) but didn't buy the place AFTER he took money from the register and the owners!
Well, needless to say he has several lawsuits waiting for him should he ever decide to come back and visit ;)
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