The annual agricultural fair. The event is held in Kharkiv, so guess the logo symbol of the city - Mirror stream.
Photo of the symbol of the city:
Deep sound studios is a recording studio, it's target audiences are artists and musicians. The logo shows fading sound waves coming from a music note being the source of that sound.
Unique and original rabbit, perfect for IT industry, computers, internet, sport... For sale!
A company that specializes in smarthome technology. The emblem was built from the first letters of FUTURE and NEXT
Betterskin is a skincare products company that attract to both women, men, teenagers with acne and overall better skin care products.Here I tried combining the letter B and S forming a solid shape monogram that's feels quality and luxury and stands both for men and women.
kozidesigns - Branding proposal, check full project
GunnarBolf - Client work, For more, Check the full project in behance.
The basic shape of the logo is based on three elements which are, a letter M, a crown and a heart expressing majesty and deep love of chocolate, gold and black are the perfect combo referring to a luxurious palette, Finally the font is a sans serif humanistic with elegant curves, superfine and bold lines showing the contrast and beauty of a high quality, classic, sophisticated product.
Message lock is an email security company selling encryption software forward cellular devices. The name of the company reflects the kind of service they provide, so had the symbol, taking a minimalist approach the solution represent a lock that's encloses on a letter being the email making it protected, secured and unbroken.
"Friends" is a community of students at pharmacy college in zagazig university that help others in their study by providing most of all the necessary materials, instruments and books that they need......also they do some other student activities in many fields .
品牌的设计灵感,来源于熊与棉花,VAVERRY品牌,专注于小家庭,婴儿棉品 婴儿服装 我为他们创作独特而永恒的作品。 优质的品牌,母亲和孩子。 从舒适,柔软,自然, 亲和的角度考虑设计, 棉花和白熊的结合融入到一起, 设计出生动有趣的自然有亲和力的标志。 与大自然的亲近加上品牌产品的综合理念。 小熊的可爱气质,和蔼,温柔,软软棉棉, 正好可以体现出棉品的柔软感, 会给人一种温馨,舒适,品质优质。 品牌主要棉纤维,主打棉品质,运用棉花的可爱的造型 结合动物形象。 小熊和棉花的结合设计,融为一体,棉花熊的造型更是 受到妈妈们的喜爱。 初尝为人父母时的喜悦,家庭诞生新生命之后的活力, 都让家变得更加温暖!正是从这个“以宝宝为中心”的 幸福理念开始,诞生了崇尚快乐氛围、传递无限温暖与 爱意的婴儿纱布品牌贝婆力。 宝宝皮肤的敏感细腻是我们所重视的,因此贝婆力秉承 “自然健康”的理念,从选纱、研究工艺、印染配色, 到研究婴儿体型的变化来确定每个不同阶段的版型。贝 婆力以趣味化的卡通形象为设计的主要元素,更加符合 宝宝的个性与心理体验。 我们一直坚持从宝宝和妈妈的角度,给予宝宝喜欢的, 舒适的,令妈妈放心的高品质产品我们提供的不止是物 品,更重要的是安全和安心,还有心意。我们致力于为 宝宝营造健康快乐的成长氛围,每一个产品,都是孩子 们最贴心的陪伴,更是美好回忆的开始。 贝婆力秉承“自然健康”的理念,给予妈妈放心,给予宝宝安心! 贝婆力,孩子贴心的陪伴,美好回忆的开始! 从舒适,柔软,自然,亲和的角度考虑设计,棉花和白熊的结合融入到一起, 设计出生动有趣的自然有亲和力的标志。与大自然的亲近加上品牌产品的综合理念。 最重要的是,我想加强客户与动物和棉花的衔接而想出的主要构思。 这是产品的主要核心和灵魂。 “我的创作理念是:白熊爱棉花。”我通过对白熊和棉花的绘制中。 一种巧合让我打开了思维,并考虑到让它们结合“一体”的可能性。 因为棉花的芯是白色的,我结合白熊抱着棉花的创意和整体棉花球的造型结合。 这个创意是几秒钟内完成,并取决于我乱绘制的图形中。